My roommate, Clara Maturo '25, lives in Cape Elizabeth, on the coast of Maine. Her family invited me and my family to spend a weekend with them at the end of July, since my brother Owen '26 had a baseball tournament nearby.
One day, while we were in Cape Elizabeth, Clara's dad, Dr. Maturo '93, invited me to go out on his lobster boat to catch our dinner! I immediately said yes and spent the entire day counting down the hours until 3 o'clock, when we would kayak out to the boat and start pulling in the lobsters.
Once we stepped onto the boat, we set up the bait, which included two fish and a pig hide—it smelled awful, to say the least. We spent about an hour pulling in the 10 lobster traps he had previously scattered around the bay of Kennebunkport. Although my arms were extremely sore, I had the best time out on the boat.
While I was on the water, I pulled in a lobster that weighed about 3 pounds—the biggest catch of the summer on the Maturo's boat. And I devoured that big lobster for dinner!